LTI/Best Practice/Issues for Developers

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This section discusses issues relevant to those seeking to write an LTI tool provider application.

Anatomy of a launch request

The essence of LTI is the launch request. This is the mechanism used by a tool consumer to redirect a user to a tool provider. The fundamentals of this process are:

  • redirection is via the user's browser using an HTTP POST request;
  • data is passed using POST data parameters with prescribed names;
  • parameters may include data about the context and resource link from which the launch request originates, the user making the request, and the role of the user within the context;
  • the connection is secured by a timestamp, a nonce value and an OAuth signature.

A tool consumer will typically implement a launch by returning an HTML page to the user's browser consisting of a form containing all the launch parameters as hidden input elements. The form would be submitted automatically by a JavaScript function run when the page is loaded or, if JavaScript is not enabled, by the user clicking a submit button. In most cases, however, JavaScript is a requirement for the tool consumer and so the launch process should be invisible and seamless to the user.

Launch parameters

The names of supported parameters can be found in the LTI specification. [IMS-B, Sections 3, 4.2 and 6] The only required parameters are:

  • lti_message_type
  • lti_version
  • resource_link_id

plus the following OAuth parameters:

  • oauth_consumer_key
  • oauth_signature_method
  • oauth_timestamp
  • oauth_nonce
  • oauth_version
  • oauth_signature
  • oauth_callback

So, as you can see, a launch request can be extremely minimal and need not include any data about the context, user or role. When a tool consumer or tool provider has been certified by IMS, some of the parameters recommended by the specification will also be present. These additional demands for certification are designed to enhance interoperability, whilst still allowing flexibility in the specification.


Launch requests are secured by the tool consumer to allow the tool provider to verify their authenticity. The launch parameters include:

  • oauth_consumer_key – the unique identifier for the tool consumer;
  • oauth_timestamp – the current Unix epoch time from the tool consumer server;
  • oauth_nonce – a unique value for the request;
  • oauth_signature – a hash of the data included in the message generated using a shared secret.

The consumer key is generated by the tool provider who should ensure that all the keys issued are unique and are used only for a single tool consumer system. For example, separate keys should be issued for development, test and production environments. The unique keys may be generated in any manner; for example, based on the client's domain name, or a random GUID.

The timestamp should be checked to ensure it is current (within a small margin of error from the system time on the tool provider server). Any request received which re-uses a nonce value (from the same tool consumer) within the permitted timestamp range should be rejected. The signature should be re-generated by the tool provider using the shared secret and compared with the value received. The shared secret should be a random string of a reasonable length to prevent it from being easily guessed or recreated. It should be shared with the tool consumer in a secure manner so as to maintain its privacy between the two parties.

These mechanisms ensure that the data in requests has not been changed in transit from the tool consumer to the tool provider (which would otherwise be easy to do since the data is passed via the user's browser) and that the request is current and has not been received before. Refer to the OAuth documentation for more details. [OAuth-A] In addition it is recommended that tool providers deliver their services through connections using https to provide additional security of the data being transmitted (which is not encrypted in the request).

Receiving a launch request

The endpoint URL provided to tool consumers for LTI launches will need to be a script which is capable of processing the request. A typical script would perform the following actions:

  1. Ensure all the required LTI parameters are present and have appropriate values: the lti_message_type and lti_version should have their prescribed values, and the resource_link_id and oauth_consumer_key parameters should not be empty.
  2. Check that the request comes from a known tool consumer: look up the consumer key to make sure a shared secret is recorded for it.
  3. Verify the authenticity of the request: check the timestamp and nonce values, and generate the OAuth signature from the HTTP request and check that it matches the signature value received.
  4. Ensure that any parameters which your system depends upon are present in the request: remember that most of the LTI launch parameters are not required by the specification and so whilst the launch request may be valid it may not provide sufficient data for your needs but, wherever possible, such dependencies should be avoided (see below).

{{#invoke:Anchor|main}} {{#invoke:Infobox|infobox}} If you reach this point it means that you have a valid launch request from a known customer with all the data you require. Hence it is now safe to process the request and provide access to the user. This may involve the following actions:

  1. Check if this is the first request from the resource link; if so, create any work area, space or other objects required for activity to take place for launches from this link; if not, update the existing objects with any values which have changed (e.g. the name or description).
  2. Check if this is the first request from the user; if so, create any user account needed to enable them to access your system; if not, update any existing account with any details which have changed (e.g. name or email address).
  3. Ensure the user has the appropriate permissions for accessing the resource link space; for an existing user this may mean changing their privileges if their role has changed.
  4. Establish a login session for the user.
  5. Redirect the user to an appropriate "home" page; this may depend upon the resource being accessed and the user's role.

The precise nature of these actions will depend upon the type of system which is being accessed. Access to content, for example, may not require the creation of user accounts, but may only involve associating the resource link ID with a content item by a user with an appropriate role (such as an instructor). On the other hand, an application like WebPA® [WebPA] would provision a new assessment and user as part of the launch request.

Identity values

One of the most important tasks in developing an LTI integration is that of selecting appropriate values by which each element can be identified within the tool provider application. The elements which may require a unique identity are:

  • contexts;
  • resource links; and
  • users.

In all cases, the unique ID for an element should be combined with the consumer key to ensure it is unique across a tool provider application which may be connected to more than one tool consumer.


In many cases the context from which a launch originated is of no interest to a tool provider – the fact that two resource links are located in the same context does not mean that a user has permissions to access both of these resources, the tool consumer may have additional access rules in place which limit who can see specific links (for example, using the conditional access functionality in Moodle to control whether an activity or resource can be accessed by individual users). Hence a launch request should not be used to imply anything about a user's access to any other resource links, even within the same context. However, there may be occasions when the context is of interest; for example, when gathering statistics for teachers. The context is uniquely identified by the context_id parameter which has a status of "recommended" in the LTI specification.

Resource links

The resource_link_id parameter should be present on every launch and provides a unique ID for the specific link within the tool consumer which was followed by the user. This value may be used to associate the launch request with a resource/activity within the tool provider, either by using the same ID or by implementing a one-to-one mapping between the tool consumer and tool provider IDs.


The user ID value can be as simple as that for a resource link, but this does depend upon how a tool provider enforces the authorisation of users to access resources. An LTI launch request merely indicates to a tool provider that the specified user has the ability to access the specified resource link (with the specified role(s), if any). It makes no statement about the user's authority to access any other resources which may exist for the same tool consumer or context. Thus, when adding LTI support to an application which allows a user to navigate between different resource instances, there is a danger that this may allow an LTI user to use this navigation to access a resource other than the one associated with the link they launched from. To mitigate against this risk it may be appropriate to create user accounts with a different scope level:

  1. Consumer: combine the consumer key with the user_id parameter;
  2. Context: combine the consumer key with the context_id and user_id parameters;
  3. Resource link: combine the consumer key with the resource_link_id and user_id parameters.

The Consumer choice guarantees to provide you with a unique ID for each user within the tool provider system. However, its use does mean that the tool provider will use the same user ID for launches from all the resource links added in the tool consumers. Thus, there is a possibility that users following one resource link, may be able to access content linked from another resource link, thereby bypassing the authorisation process provided by the tool consumer through an LTI launch request. For example, a student may have been unenrolled from a course in the VLE and, therefore, no longer have access to the resource links in that course. If launching from another course allows them to access the end points of these resource links, then the tool provider has effectively provided a back door for users to access resources which they should have been disconnected from. Some solutions to this problem may be available to you. For example, if you control the code for the tool provider application, you can prevent users from switching to a different resource after a launch (this is how the LTI connector for WebPA works). Alternatively, if the tool consumer supports the unofficial memberships service [IMS-C], the list of users for each resource link can be updated on a regular basis (e.g. nightly) so any impact will only be short-lived.

The Context choice is similar to the Consumer choice (see above) except that it implements an ID value which is unique within a context (e.g. a course). If all resource links within a context are always available to all users enrolled in that context, then there is no issue about providing a back door method for accessing resources. However, if access to some resource links might be restricted to a subset of the enrolled users (e.g. via a conditional release mechanism) then this choice could also provide a way for users to bypass the authorisation implemented by the tool consumer (for which similar solutions as discussed above could be implemented).

{{#invoke:Anchor|main}} {{#invoke:Infobox|infobox}} The Resource link option for creating user ID values is the closest fit to the expectations of the LTI specification. A downside of implementing this choice is that it means that a separate user account will be created in the tool provider for every combination of user_id and resource_link_id parameters (and for each consumer key). Thus, if a course has 5 links to the tool provider, a user following each of these links will have 5 separate user accounts created in the tool provider. But if you do not have control over the tool provider code then this is a sure way of preventing a user from bypassing the authorisation implemented by the tool consumer - each user will, by definition, only have access to a single resource; accessing other resources must be achieved via a separate user account (accessed by launching from a different resource link in the tool consumer).

So there are choices for how to implement a unique user ID when developing a tool provider LTI integration and that choice will depend largely on the navigation features of the application and an evaluation of the risks associated with users gaining access to other resources from a launch. [ceLTIc-A] But, of course, the choice can be left to the system administrator so that it can be selected to match the needs of a particular tool consumer, as was the case with the LTI connector written for WordPress. [SPVSP-A]

Matching IDs with pre-provisioned data

There are times when a tool provider may already be populated with data related to a tool consumer; for example, course and/or user data. In these situations, there may also be a desire to relate this data with the values received on LTI launch requests. The problem here is that the context_id and user_id parameters are deliberately intended to be opaque by the LTI specification and are often represented by values such as database keys from the VLE. It is, therefore, unlikely that such values would match with any pre-provisioned data which has more likely originated from a different system, such as a student information/record system (SIS). The best suggestions to offer here are:

  1. check whether the tool consumer has any choices over what values are used to populate the context_id and user_id parameters passed on each launch (in case an alternative choice can be matched with existing data);
  2. if supported by the tool consumer, the values of the lis_course_section_sourcedid and lis_person_sourcedid parameters may provide better matches;
  3. LTI 1.2+ includes a custom parameter substitution variable for a user's login ID (User.username) as a way of helping to alleviate this situation; the course ID could be entered as a fixed custom parameter value for each launch link created. [IMS-D, Appendix C.1]

There may be a temptation to try matching users on names or email addresses, but this is fraught with problems. The values are not guaranteed to be unique or fixed within the tool consumer, and they may even be editable by the user themselves and so cannot be trusted to be valid. For a user ID, there is an option of prompting the user when they first connect to enter their pre-provisioned credentials so that they can be associated with their LTI identity in the future. Of course, if the matching of user IDs is designed to permit users to access the tool provider via their tool consumer or by logging in directly, then there is the same authorisation issue as described above when opting to use only the user_id parameter as the unique ID: users may be given access to resources which they can no longer access via the tool consumer.


This issue follows on from the wish to match LTI parameter values with pre-provisioned data. In this case the problem is more specific: is there some way in which a user launching via LTI can be associated with an SSO user account? The use case here is to allow a user to log into both the tool consumer and the tool provider using the same identity provider and be able to access the same resources (notwithstanding that the authorisation issue discussed above remains). A solution for this has been proposed by IMS [IMS-E], though no known implementation currently exists. Its elegance lies in its simplicity. On the assumption that both parties have trust relationships with the same identity provider, the LTI launch is extended to include two additional parameters: the type of SSO used to authenticate the user (e.g. CAS, CoSign, Shibboleth) and the URL of the identity provider. After validating the launch, the tool provider redirects the user to a script protected by the same identity provider. Since the user has already been authenticated, they will fall through this redirection and the tool provider now has access to their SSO identity (e.g. through the REMOTE_USER environment variable). The SSO identity can be recorded against the user's LTI identity so that when the user next logs in directly their LTI identity can be looked up and access given to any resources associated with this account.


When the roles parameter is included in the launch it specifies one or more roles the user has in respect of the resource link. The roles may be taken from the standard vocabularies listed in the LTI specification [IMS-B, Appendix A]; they may also include vendor-specific roles, though these should always be in the form of a full URI.

The most common roles a tool provider can expect to receive are:

  • Instructor;
  • TeachingAssistant;
  • Learner.

Some tool consumers may also support roles of:

  • ContentDeveloper;
  • Administrator.

A tool provider has the tricky task of mapping the different roles which may be passed by different tool consumers onto its own set of supported roles. Some tool providers may not distinguish between different roles, in which case this area is a non-issue. Where roles are essentially divided between teachers and students, then the Learner role fits well with the latter, whilst the others could be accepted as the former. When a tool provider supports a wider range of roles there can be issues if a similar range is not mirrored in the tool consumer. For example, whilst a VLE may have separate roles for content developers (course builders) and instructors, they may also allow these roles to be held by the same user and, therefore, a tool provider must be able to deliver the functionality relating to both roles in a unified interface. Wherever, possible it makes sense for roles to be dichotomous, especially as different tool consumers may support different roles, so reliance on a specific role is not advised. Most tool consumer implementations of LTI hard-code the mapping between the internal role and the LTI role so the VLE administrator or teacher has little control over the roles which are passed. Only the open source PowerLink for WebCT [SPVSP-B] and the open source building block for Blackboard Learn 9 [SPVSP-C] are known to offer some flexibility in this respect and allow the mapping to be specified on a tool-by-tool basis, thereby allowing them to match the association deemed appropriate to the institution's needs; for example, giving teaching assistants a role in the tool provider which fits with the way in which this role is being used in the VLE. Without such mapping being generally available within tool consumers, any tool provider offering a rich set of roles is well advised to implement a mapping option which can be configured for each tool consumer, either by the tool provider administrator or perhaps by a user having an LTI role of system administrator.

If a user has multiple roles, it is important to check that none of these conflict; that is, when received individually might lead to a different role being assigned to the user. If they do, then a deliberate choice should be made as to which role is to be assigned (assuming that only one role per user is permitted). For example, if a user has both a role of Learner and Instructor (which has been seen in a real launch request from a tool consumer), then the lowest level of privilege is given (Learner). However, this is an arbitrary choice, and the user could equally be given the highest level of privilege. Since the tool consumer is a trusted source of data, there is no clear basis on which to make either choice where the roles received are inconsistent with those supported within the tool provider.

One final issue to be aware of is that roles may be passed from different vocabularies; for example system, institution and context. Most launch requests are made from within a CourseSection and hence most roles received are expected to come from the context vocabulary. However, there are instances where launch requests can be made from outside a CourseSection [ceLTIc-B] [ceLTIc-C] and so an appropriate response to these requests should be implemented. Similarly, a user launching from within a CourseSection, may have a relevant role from a different vocabulary; the most relevant example being a system administrator. A tool provider may offer an interface to the system administrator from the tool consumer, but it may not be the case that such a user is able to perform a launch request or, if they can, that their role will be passed. In fact there are several possible administrator roles which could conceivable be relevant here; for example:

The key here is probably to check for any or all of these so that whichever a tool consumer might send is recognised.

There is scope in this area for tool consumers to be more explicit about the LTI roles they support and the mapping used from their internal roles. This would allow tool providers to make more informed choices as to how to respond to roles received in each tool consumer launch.


The release of LTI 1.1 introduced a new launch parameter named launch_presentation_css_url. This allows a tool consumer to pass the URL of a local CSS file. It does not, as yet, appear to have been widely implemented. There is also potential confusion as to whether it should be a URL to the CSS file for the tool consumer, or a URL to a tool-specific CSS file to apply when the tool provider is launched from that tool consumer. A CSS file is most useful if it overrides style names used by the tool provider to customise the appearance of the application and make it better fit within the local environment. A CSS file consisting of the styles adopted by the tool consumer would be problematic for a tool provider to apply in a simple and meaningful way. However, the LTI connector for WebPA and the open source building block for Blackboard Learn 9 are the only known implementations which support a tool-specific CSS URL. [SPVSP-D]

Override interface

{{#invoke:Anchor|main}} {{#invoke:Infobox|infobox}} As well as using CSS to change the behaviour of a tool provider, other parameters may also be used to help tailor an interface to fit specific tool consumers. The following parameters about the tool consumer may be provided on a launch:

  • tool_consumer_instance_guid
  • tool_consumer_instance_name
  • tool_consumer_instance_description
  • tool_consumer_instance_url
  • tool_consumer_instance_contact_email
  • tool_consumer_info_product_family_code
  • tool_consumer_info_version

The last two were added in LTI 1.1 and provide the most convenient mechanism for identifying the type of tool consumer from which a launch request has originated. For example, if the value of the tool_consumer_info_product_family_code parameter is "Blackboard Learn" or "learn" then the launch has come from Blackboard Learn 9, using either the core functionality or the open source building block, respectively. This would allow a tool provider to offer a different experience for Learn 9 users, which may be especially relevant when being opened within a frame or iframe.

It is also possible, though perhaps less likely, to customise the tool provider experience for a specific tool consumer (rather than a family, or brand, of tool consumers). The tool_consumer_instance_guid parameter should provide a unique ID for a tool consumer and can be used for this purpose, if required.


By using LTI a tool provider can easily offer a multi-tenanted service from a single instance of the application. However, though the use of custom launch parameters, it can be possible to provide some branding of this service for individual tool consumers. For example, these may be to provide an alternative logo, title, contact email address, URL for help, etc. They may also be used as an alternative means of passing values which are not consistently supported by all tool consumers; for example, the LTI connector for WebPA accepts a tool-specific CSS file URL in a custom parameter named css. [SPVSP-D]

Course archive/restore/copy

LTI 1 does not provide a standard mechanism for a tool provider to distinguish between a launch request coming from a brand new resource link and one coming from a link which has been generated by making a copy of an existing one. In some cases this may not be important, but some tool providers may wish to offer teachers the option to also duplicate the content from the existing link. One workaround to this situation is to include a custom parameter in the launch request with a value which can be matched against the resource_link_id parameter on launch; if the value matches against a different resource_link_id then this would suggest that the launch comes from a copy. Such a solution involves some action on the part of the teacher, unless the resource link is created using the Content-item message process [IMS-F] in which case the tool provider could automatically add the custom parameter required to record its local reference to the resource/content.

An alternative solution being discussed with the IMS community is to recommend an additional parameter to launch requests which provides a history of the resource link as a list of any previous resource link IDs from which it has been copied. This parameter may have a name of ext_copy_of_resource_link_id; each ID would be separated by a comma with the most recent copy first. But, at the time of writing, this is just a topic for discussion with no known implementations.

Class libraries

Most of the verification of the authenticity of a launch request can be handled by an OAuth library which is available for most programming languages.[OAuth-B] For example, a method to verify a request in Java can be as simple as the following (using the BLTI Sandwich sample code [BLTIS]):

public static boolean isValid(String key, String secret) {
  try { 
    SimpleOAuthValidator simpleoauthvalidator = new SimpleOAuthValidator(); 
    OAuthConsumer oauthconsumer = new OAuthConsumer("about:blank", key, secret, null);
    simpleoauthvalidator.validateMessage(bltimessage.getOAuthMessage(), new OAuthAccessor(oauthconsumer)); 
  } catch (Exception exception) { 
    return false; 
  return true;

However, this is just part of the processing of a launch request; other standard tasks include:

  • verifying that the request complies with the LTI specification;
  • ensure all the parameters required for the tool provider application are included;
  • assemble the user, context and resource link data supplied in useful objects; this might include generating default values for missing parameters and assembling values based on how they were sent (such as the user's name which might be passed as separate given and family names, or as a full name, or as both);
  • redirecting a user when an error arises with the launch.

Rather than writing your own library to handle this process, why not consider using one which is already available? For example, the ceLTIc project has produced LTI Tool Provider class libraries for PHP [SPVSP-E] and Java [SPVSP-F]. Using and contributing to such open source libraries has the following additional benefits:

  • keeps application code separate from the details of the LTI specification;
  • simplified validation of launch parameters;
  • simpler to support any changes in the LTI specification;
  • should help to ensure that applications will pass IMS certification tests;
  • support included for LTI services (including unofficial extensions with automatic use of whichever service is supported by the tool consumer where alternatives are available);

In addition, a class library may provide additional functionality to support typical workflows involved in building tool providers. For example, the ceLTIc class libraries include functionality for:

  • enabling resource links to be automatically mapped onto a single ID so that users can collaborate in a single space (these resource links may be from the same tool consumer or from different ones);
  • allowing consumer keys to be easily enabled or disabled;
  • setting start and end times for the validity of a consumer key.

The last of these additions has been used by the ceLTIc project to automate the process of generating credentials (consumer key and shared secrets) on demand for trial/demonstration purposes which automatically expire. [ceLTIc-D]

Browser issues

LTI is susceptible to all the issues surrounding web-based applications; this section raises some of those most likely to be encountered when using LTI, most relate to using frames or iframes.

Third-party cookies

It is highly likely that the tool consumer and tool provider will be served from different domains and this can be problematic when they are mixed on the same page using a frame or an iframe. This is because tool providers will typically use sessions to remember the state of a user's interaction and this session is identified via a cookie in the HTTP request headers. However, different browsers have different rules and default settings for allowing cookies from different domains (third party cookies) within the same page. If a browser has been set to reject third party cookies, then the session cookie for a tool provider opened in a frame or iframe will not be saved and so the login will fail. Internet Explorer (IE) implements a slightly more complicated solution. By default, for domains in the Internet Zone, IE "blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent". It determines whether a cookie contains personally identifiable information by consulting a policy written using the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) protocol. Where appropriate, adding the P3P policy files to the tool provider server and including a P3P header in HTTP response headers can help alleviate this issue. [ceLTIc-E]

Of course, to completely avoid the problem, ensure that a tool provider is opened in a new window (or tab)! Although it is also quite possible for a tool provider to reside on the same server as the tool consumer, again avoiding any cross-domain issues. [ceLTIc-F]

Internet Explorer zones

Internet Explorer (IE) divides the world into Internet, Local Intranet, Trusted Zones, and Restricted Sites. For the majority of users using their own machines most (or all) of the pages they access via IE will be in the Internet zone. However, issues can arise when the contents of a frame (or iframe) are delivered from a server which is in a different zone from the page itself. When this occurs, for example, with WebPA, attempts to download XML reports fail because IE receives the response from WebPA but re-sends the request but without the session cookie header and so it is declined by the WebPA server. This issue only arises when the two servers are in different IE zones.

Support for frames/iframes

There is no requirement in LTI for a tool provider to deliver its content within a frame (or iframe). It may, for example, not make sense given the nature of the application and its UI. The recommended launch_presentation_document_target launch parameter should identify where the content requested is to be displayed. A launch request could be rejected (with an appropriate message) if an attempt is made to open the tool provider in a frame; this should be simple for the teacher (or system administrator) to resolve by merely altering the launch settings to select the "new window" option. Alternatively, a tool provider might choose to override the choice by using JavaScript to detect that a launch is occurring within a frame and force the page to be displayed within a new window (or tab). In this case an appropriate message should be displayed within the frame or, if a return URL has been supplied, the frame could be redirected to this URL with a message informing the user that the content should be available in a separate window. Which solution to choose is fairly arbitrary, though the former could be preferred on the basis that it does not usurp the request made by the tool consumer.

Of course, if the parameter is not provided on launch then a JavaScript solution is the only option and it could be seen as being more acceptable to force the display into a new window since the tool consumer failed to note a preference!

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